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I am choosing to live a happy fulfilled life of no regrets.
Life is short, life is often fleeting, life can be taken in a single moment and to truly live we must live a life that is worth living.
I learnt this whilst in the midst of training to be a Life Coach when I got the news that no one ever wants to hear, that of the death of a loved one. My brother. My gorgeous young (39) kind, loving, sensitive, much loved friendly brother who was adored by his 2 young sons. I was devastated.
The weight of loss may never go away but I have learnt how to carry it and I was fortunate to have Life Coaching to support, acknowledge, honour, challenge and motivate me to be the best I can be, to live my life with no regrets, to honour my brother and to support and help others to embrace their lives.
As a certified ICF Life Coach (ACC) I coach many people who make that decision to start investing in themselves, to live their lives, to face into change positively, to get unstuck and to find their true purpose.
Grief is a journey that takes us from what has been to what might now be.
I noticed that I attracted clients who had experienced Grief in its rawest form, people who had experienced Grief on many levels not only death but also loss of earnings, loss of a job, loss of a life style, loss of friendships, loss of a partner and loss of identity. So I decided to train as a certified Grief Coach in order to fully support all my clients.
As a Life and Grief Coach I choose to cultivate courage, compassion and connection within myself and others, to live wholeheartedly supporting others to love themselves enough and embrace their vulnerability in order to truly live.
How has grief impacted you?
Do you feel helpless even powerless by the lack of control and sense of loss in your life?
Has your life received a curve ball that could make you crash…?
Why wait for a catastrophe to happen to wake you up to change your life. Instinctively we know when something isn’t right but its easier to keep “living” than change it. We get comfortable being miserable, its safe, it’s our comfort zone. I am choosing to live a happy fulfilled life of no regrets. Are you?
If you are ready to understand more about yourself and how grief is impacting you please express your thoughts, experiences and stories here in the comments section.
If you are ready for change, if you are ready for a real authentic and truthful conversation with yourself to get curious, to understand what is holding you back, to create new perspectives and to gain clarity to move from simply living to LIVING a happy life of no regrets then please contact me for a complimentary sample coaching session.